Congrats on signing up for Shape UP Omaha! Are you ready to Change Your Life? Take some time to write your Promise Letter. A promise letter is a personal note from you to your team, your coach, and most importantly for YOU to outline how you intend to change through this program. Try to address the following topics in your Promise Letter:

Why do you need to change your life?
What habits need to change?
Who do you want to be?
What are your goals for this session of Shape Up? Goals can be weight related or not.
What do you want from your team and coach?

Take as much time as you want. Be Honest, and get it off your chest! A clean slate is the best way to start this life changing program.


  1. To be honest with you all this is something that I probably would have never done. However, I am very glad that I have made this commitment. I am 28 yrs old, married (wife is doing this too), and a father of 4 amazing children. If those aren't reasons enough to change how about the fact that I am so young and am currently on Blood Pressure medicine, dealing with a fatty liver and some other health issues all related to weight and poor choices.

    The first habit that I need to change is my idea of what food is for. Ever since I can remember I have just ate whenever I was bored. I am transforming my mind into understanding how food works, what its for and more importantly what it is not. I also need to change my attitude towards an "active lifestyle". I have always seen the "active lifestyle" people as people who are so concerned with how they look that they consume themselves with "busy-ness" and could not possibly be truly happy.

    Who do I want to be? Wow, such a seemingly innocent and easy question to answer. To be completely honest with everyone, this is something that I have struggled with answering for my entire life. I have started so so many things thinking that it would lead me to "Who I want to be", and then never finished them because I realized it wasn't what I wanted to be. NOT THIS TIME! I am going to answer this question with confidence and assurance for the first time in my life! I want to be a finisher!

    Geez, this seems like I am taking up so much space. Sorry if I am writing to much!

    My goals for Shape up Omaha.
    1. WIN by the largest margin in the history of the program.
    2.Lose a minimum of 60 lbs.
    3.Learn as much as I can about Health and Fitness.
    4.Give back by becoming a Personal Trainer.

    All I ask from my team and coach is the support, training, transparency, honesty and dedication that it will take to be the Winning team. What do we have to lose besides a few hundred pounds? Lets do this. I will see you all at the finish line. Good luck to everyone. Try to keep up!

  2. Ken,

    I am so proud of you and your wife. She is such an amazing person- as you already know. Keep up the good work. I know how hard it can be as I am a past 2x contestent.

    Good Luck to all the Mills County Team.

  3. Great words Ken!!!!!!! Go for it all it is worth every drop of swear!!!!!

    Good job Mills County Team

    Andrea (past contestent 2x too)

  4. This is my Promise Letter... to ME, to my team The (Diet) Red Bulls, to my coach, Tara, and to my family. You said be honest & get it off my here goes!! I am a wife & mom of 3 & I am finally doing something for ME! My first child was diagnosed with Autism when I was 21 & had just had my second child. Unending guilt, fright, uncertainty of what the future would hold, & what had I done wrong led to years of self-blaming, self-hatred & of course, depression. I ate to fill the space I could not fill with answers, cures, or even a simple hug, smile, or relationship with my first born baby, the daughter I always dreamed of having. Guilt has always been an easy excuse for me to keep from doing something like this that requires time away from my family to focus on myself. I have always thought that the best way to be the best mom was to always focus on everyone else. Make sure they are clean, healthy, fed, & have what they need & want. Last August I sent my oldest off to high school and my youngest off to kindergarten. I figured I'd give myself one more year to make sure everything went well for them & then I'd start focusing on me. As I started to think about what that actually meant I was scared! I realized I've forgotten a lot more about ME than how to "get skinny". I have lost my personal identity. So, I decided NOT to wait til the end of the school year to start on me.....I joined SHAPE UP OMAHA as step #1. Boy, what a big step!! I thought it would be mostly about working out, however, I have found that I am really lacking when it comes to knowing how to feed myself well. Working out is the easy part! I need to change my relationship with food to better my relationship with myself. I need to share that knowledge with my kids. I want to make them proud of me. Let them know that the time mommy is away from them I'm doing it for me AND them. It is for me, but it requires a family effort to change our eating habits & help to relieve the guilt that I feel walking out the door...especially on a Saturday morning. I DO miss the cuddle time. Of course everyone is up by the time I get back home. But I am making an effort to take advantage of the rest of the weekend & get us outside doing something, anything....together and moving! I am learning a lot from this program already & am certain I will learn so much more.
    What do I want to be? I haven't figured that out completely. I believe this program will help me with that.
    GOALS? Of course I have a weight loss goal. I'd like to lose 30 lbs. I want to be able to feel okay with myself if that is not attained & learn enough to keep my emotions from leading me to the kitchen.
    I have just dumped a HUGE load of wants & needs onto the shoulders of SUO, Tara, & myself. I have faith that they will lead me, teach me, & support me through learning the skills and accomplishing step #1 of getting ME back in my life!
    Marty & Amy, thank you so much for bringing your experiences & knowledge to all of us. Tara, thank you for your time and knowledge. I can only imagine how exhausted you are by the time you get done with us on Mon & Wed nights! I tell myself if you can do it at 5 months pregnant, I better be able to do it too! Thank you to my team! We were all strangers but have become supporters & cheerleaders for each other. I am proud of all of us at the end of each work out and I leave the gym knowing that the next time we meet we'll all be stronger, happier and healthier teammates. I hope everyone will post their Promise Letters. We all have a story that has led us to SUO & they deserve to be shared.

  5. What a great posting Tige, THANK YOU for sharing your story with us. I absolutely KNOW that you will succeed, I can see it in your words because you spoke through your heart. It all starts with being open and honest with yourself, which is exactly what you have done. I can't wait to see you at the finale slimmer, healthier and with a big smile on your face!


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IE- Jane Doe/ The Green Machines Downtown